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Monday, November 19, 2018

15 year boy discovers a whole new planet.

boy who discovered a whole new planetCan you imagine a boy who is only 16 years old discovers a whole new planet. How fascinating it could be! This discoveries shows that age can not be a limit of doing big things and changing the planet.
There are so many planet in the space. Scientists are discovering many more planet in the space day by day. Some of them are bigger than Earth and some of them are smaller than Earth. Though they have their own specialties. But discovery of a new planet is always a great news to know. It becomes more interesting when a boy of 15 years old discovers a whole new planet. It seems to be a joke. But this actually happened in England. The boy who discovered this planet is Tom Warg. He is an internee of Kiel University in England. When he went to the practical class for experience he just discovered a whole new plant. But no one believed his discovery because he was so small in age. Then after two years Geneva and Lich University agree that his discovery was right. This news became the headline of the paper and the boy get popularity. Then it became highly talked topic locally. The planet was almost 1000 light-year away from Earth. The size of the planet is very similar with the size of the Jupiter. The diameter of Jupiter is 1,42,800 kilometers. Which is very big comparing to the Earth's diameter. The volume of Jupiter is almost 1300 times bigger than the Earth and it is the biggest planet in the solar system. The planet discovered by Tom revolve its star in only 2 days. This new planet don't have a name yet. But scientists are calling this planet "WASP-142B". Because it is the 142th planet discovered by WASP team. This kind of discoveries make the Astrology science more improved and give us the chance to know more about the planets which are unknown to us. We hope that one day we can find a planet just like the Earth where the human being can exist.      

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